Volunteering in Maes D

The call for volunteers to help out in Maes D (the Learners Pavilion) at the National Eisteddfod has gone out, so if anyone is thinking of spending some time at the Eisteddfod, this is a great opportunity to help out and get a free entry ticket!

You don’t need to have a high level of Welsh. It just consists of helping out with making tea and coffee, tidying around the place, and chatting with other learners. You choose the day/s you want and pick am or pm, so it’s quite flexible, but you need to be fairly quick if you have very specific time limitations as that slot may go.

Here’s the form to download, and you can return it to maesd@eisteddfod.org.uk

Ffurflen gais stiwardio Maes D 2016.pdf (403.7 KB)

(Note - the forum wouldn’t let me upload the Word doc version, but I’ll attach that to the weekly email next week, if you’d rather have that.)


Catrin from Maes D let me know there was an error in the dates in the original form. Here is the updated version:

Ffurflen gais stiwardio Maes D 2016.pdf (403.7 KB)

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Helo, oes unrhyw form 2019 plis? Dyw ddim yn gallu ffeindio unrhywle ar y we am wirfyddoli neu gweithio ar Maes D/stondin Cymraeg ail-iaith - baswn i’n gwerthfawrogi’r cyfle!

Diolch yn fawr, Meg Cox

They haven’t made it at all easy to volunteer this year, but after quite a bit of swearing and cursing I managed it.
Go to the main Eisteddfod Web page.
Click on Get Involved.
Click on Volunteering.
You then have to make An Account. Don’t ask me why.
This will generate an email to you and then you will be asked where and when you want to volunteer. I can’t remember how many different areas, jobs there were, but at least 10, I would say. I just clicked for all jobs and any time of every day.
I then got an email back saying thank you for volunteering in Cardiff 2018. This was about a fortnight ago!
And it appears that Maes D is now called Shw’mae, Su’mae, which will only add to the confusion.

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