Vocab List for Old Course 1 (South)

S’mae pawb,

Pan wnes i ddysgu’r hen gwrs amser maith yn ôl, wnes i gael vocab list o SaySomethingInWelsh. Mae’n ngwr i newydd gwpla’r cwrs ac mae fe’n moyn dysgu sut i ysgrifennu yn Gymraeg. Ond, nawr, sai’n cofio lle yw’r vocab list. Mae fe wedi bod yn dysgu’r gwrs de.

Oes y vocab lists gyda rhywan? Diolch!

There are links to the vocab lists in the new course in this thread: Vocabulary from Challenges
but I can’t remember seeing any links for the old course (maybe someone else will be able to).

I don’t remember where the links are either but I have all the files.

Course 1 S.pdf (56.7 KB)
Course 1V S.pdf (43.8 KB)
Course 2 S.pdf (65.1 KB)
Course 2V S.pdf (42.4 KB)
Course 3 S.pdf (95.0 KB)


Diolch yn fawr iawn!

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