Using the app

Ive been using the Automagic SSIW subscription app for around 25 hours apparently but I’m reading about levels, using other languages and all sorts on this forum.

On the app I can’t find any information about what level I’m on. All there is are three buttons at the bottom - learn, feedback etc., plus the two speed buttons.

How do I find out about which level I’m on?

How do I add other languages?

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Lizzie

@Li22ie the AutoMagic app uses a different system to the earlier audio files. It’s a constant stream of learning, whereas the earlier learning methodology used distinct sound files with a system of 3 Levels. As you progress through the learning material with AutoMagic, you will cover all the same material as people using the Levels do, but there is no need to know which Level you’re on for the course to work.

If you go into Settings in AutoMagic, you should be able to see a choice of the other Welsh region (i.e. Northern and Southern versions) plus Spanish for English speakers.

To see what else is available, click on the ‘SSi’ at the top of AutoMagic to return to the main website. (You may be able to get there by clicking on ‘Learn’ at the top here, but if the system remembers that you usually use AutoMagic, it will probably take you there.)

On the main Website, clicking ‘Learn’ will show you the older style courses, e.g. Challenges, and clicking on the ‘SSi’ at the top there will give you the dropdown selection of the other languages available.

As you’re a paying subscriber, you’re also entitled to join the SSiW Community Chat Slack group, where you can get to know other learners, and take part in online group sessions with a tutor. I’ve sent you an invitation to join that now.

Dear Deborah, thank you so much for the thorough explanation, I really appreciate the time and trouble you took for this.

I’m not sure by which means you sent the invitation though - i don’t think I’ve had any emails on that? If you could re-send / let me know whereabouts to find it I’d be very grateful.

Kindest regards, Lizzie

Actually, I think I’ve found a related pinned post, thank you so much :pray:t2:

It was sent to your email address, but possibly it went into Spam?

I’Dear Deborah, this is most frustrating! I can’t find any if your invites ’ even the one you’ve just sent! ve checked the spam folder, too.

I tried getting the Slack app on android and got as far as waiting for their email to come through, and that hasn’t come through either!

Please don’t give up on me! I will message once I get the Slack app working.

Kindest regards

@Li22ie did you get my reply to the email you sent to Admin? I’ve checked and you sent that from the same email address as you use here for the forum, so I don’t understand why the emails aren’t getting through.

You may need to contact your ISP if this continues. I see that you’re using btinternet and they do sometimes block emails before they get to you.

Thanks for the tip, I’ll try that and come back to you - but I don’t understand why neither of the invite emails have come through unless thry come from Slack too?

Yes, we request the invitations to be sent, but they do come from Slack itself.