So. I’m on level one challenge 11. I’ve now learned to ignore the stuff about 80% and just push on. But… do people use / make anything else at this point? I know there are certain words/ phrases I keep forgetting and I’m wondering if I should just keep on and it’ll come, or if it’s worth making myself some sort of flash cards to practice the ones that don’t stick? Any suggestions?
Some people use flash cards, but I would just use the Vocabulary page for each challenge if you have the website version. As you will know, it’s best not to look at it until you have completed to relevant challenge as it can hamper pronunciation.
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This one - the spaced repetition will eventually give them to you - if you have energy for extra work, I’d recommend doubling up on the listening exercises, and/or listening to as much radio/TV as possible…
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Watching Welsh Premier League football matches on youTube with Welsh commentary helps me learn new vocab. and phrases. I watch each match twice - once for the football, and then for the commentary which, because it accompanies the action, allows you to learn the meanings.
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