Use of Cynefin

Can anyone please use the word ‘cynefin’ in a few different sentences/scenarios to help understand meaning.

Thank you!

Yn Nhrefynwy dwi yn fy ngynefin - in Monmouth, I’m on familiar ground

ers byw yng Nghaernarfon, dwi’n dod yn gynefin â’r Fenai - since living in Caernarfon, I’m becoming familiar with the Menai

ar y mynydd, dilynwch y llwybr go iawn, nid y cynefin defaid - on the mountain, follow the real path, not the sheep track

Does that help, Susan?


Thank you very much, sometimes examples work wonders!!

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Slight tangent, but in my workplace they use “cynefino” as the term for “induction”, which I think is lovely. I feel like a lamb being shown where the boundaries of our flock’s land are…