Translation check

Prynhawn da, pawb!

I’ve jumped back and forth between SSiW and Cadw Swn, by Colin Jones since I started trying to learn Welsh a few months ago and one of my biggest frustrations is a lack of feedback for the sentences I create in response to questions in the Cadw Swn course. (I’m in Texas, so there isn’t much chance of encountering Welsh speakers here.) It just occurred to me to try posting one of my answers here in the hope that someone might indulge me with a correction:

Doedd hi ddim yn hapus achos oedd rhaid iddi hi priodi dyn sydd hi ddim yn caru.

I’m trying to say:
She wasn’t happy because she had to marry a man whom she didn’t love.

Thank you in advance for your feedback!

You’re close, but here the man is supposed to be the object of the relative clause, and sydd is used for the subject. So what you wrote would translate to “She wasn’t happy because she had to marry a man who didn’t love her” (more or less… it would be … sydd ddim yn ei charu)
To get your intended meaning you’d say
Doedd hi ddim yn hapus achos oedd rhaid iddi hi briodi dyn nac oedd hi’n ei garu.

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Thank you Hendrik! Can you suggest a good resource for better understanding relative clauses in Welsh? I’ve made it through the first course at this point. Are there examples similar to this in later lessons? Once again diolch yn fawr!