Translating captions into Welsh for a film about sustainability

Hello, everyone

I’m fairly new here (well, I came and went for a while), and the pandemic has spurred me to get on with my Welsh because I live in quite a strongly Welsh speaking area. With my very clunky cymraeg I’ve been translating some captions for a film a friend and I have been making about how people in Wales could make their clothes more sustainable and help change attitudes towards fast fashion (Brownie points? :))

Would it be acceptable - alla i ofyn? - to ask for some help here? The captions are pretty simple but not simple enough for me to be confident I’m getting them right.

I hasten to add that this is not a commercial film project - at least not at the moment because we’ve researched and recorded it off our own backs - and any help we receive will be acknowledged in the credits.

Cadwch yn saff pawb!


Oh I’m so sorry that you never received an answer to this post @CarolineJ!

I hope it’s not too late, but I would say. ask away! If we can help in any way then we will. :smiley: