Tiwtor cymraeg yn amyl Denbighshire

S’mae, Ceri dw i. Dw i wedi bod yn dysgu Cymraeg tua 5 blwyddyn efo Popeth Cymraeg, Denbighshire, y ‘method’ Dad-Awgrymeg. Hefyd, efo SSiW ad duolingo. Dw i ddim eisiau parhau efo Popeth Cymraeg achos mae’r dobarth bron i gyd ar lein. Felly dw i’n edrych am tiwtor newydd, gobeithio un i un, am un awr neu un awr a hanner bob wythnos. Dw i’n byw yn amyl Rhuthun. Gobeithio y gallwch chi fy helpu. Diolch, Ceri

Hi Ceri,
Hopefully there may be someone on the forum who knows of tutors in the Rhuthin area who do 1-to-1 sessions and can help you with that.

Well done for doing your whole post in Welsh, but just a note for future reference - some learners here will be at the stage where they can read posts written in Welsh, but others will not be quite there yet, so we try to keep the forum posts in English so that everyone can keep up with what’s being asked or explained, because you never know - someone who can’t yet read your question might have the answer you’re looking for!

Thank you for your reply and i hope that someone can help. Diolch.

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