
A little message popped up when I was using the web version of the learning app today, asking me if I wanted to take a break but the only method of response was a box marked “reset timer” which I clicked on and that took me straight back to learning.

So a few questions about the timer function; Is it set to appear after a pre-determined length of time?
If I hadn’t clicked on the box would it have just stayed there forever or would it have returned me to learning after a set amount of time? Can I control it in any way, other than just clicking on it and going straight back to learning?

Sorry about the raft of questions but it seems like a handy device and I would like to know more about it.




As I understand it, the timer is basically like Netflix’s “Are you still watching?” function.
If you accidentally leave the app running, it will only go for (I think) half an hour without interaction, and then pause to check you’re still there as you saw. That way you won’t miss too much new material if accidents happen, but it’s also not so frequent as to be annoying if you like long sessions.


Thanks Verity, I’d not seen it before, although I have had longer periods without interaction, so I wondered if it was something new. It’s a good idea though.