Trying the Main Course Again and Philosophical Ramble
I’m sorry this update is so long! Please feel free to skip the second part because it is really just a stream-of-consciousness -type thing!
I tried Challenge 10 of the main course. I have forgotten an awful lot of stuff. Much of it was stuff I struggled with since the beginning, like anything involving hace, desde or llevar and whether to use me gustaría or quisiera.
I felt just ‘OK’ throughout which though it doesn’t sound like it is actually an improvement on my mood. I set a timer for half the challenge but went on to do the whole lot. I’m in two minds about whether to go back to even earlier challenges or press on. I don’t think I ought to go much beyond 10 though for now (I got up to Challenge 17 originally, but from 13 onwards it was not going well).
One positive point that stood out for me was how naturally I said usted lo ha hecho muy bien which I used to find very hard to construct.
I do get on well with the colleague I mentioned who speaks Spanish (and another language) but I’m a bit apprehensive because when I said at the start of the year I might try to learn, he said several times that the grammar was hard. Made me wonder if he was trying to put me off
He hasn’t brought it up since and neither have I. He probably things I never started it. I’m overthinking a lot about it. One god thing is that he maybe be starting to learn Welsh soon, and so there wouldn’t be such a power imbalance then as I’d been able (and willing) to help with that. I will have to find somewhere to learn greetings in Spanish to use.
I’m a bit bothered by a few pronunciation points at the moment. I do tend to hyperfixate on pronunciation.
1. I can do a rolled r but the other r I am not sure I’m saying correctly. I think I’m saying it too much like an English r. I think I manage it in words like pero but I recordar it’s a lot harder.
2.I can’t exactly decide how to pronounce ll. I know it varies a lot over the world but that makes it hard to pick one pronunciation
3.My b, v sound is more like English w still
4.I find it hard to pronounce the p t c as ‘non-aspirated’
I think I’d benefit from a traditional night school course, but when I contacted a few before Christmas they were all fully-booked and with no waiting list. Welsh courses are subsidised so I got a nasty shock about how much other languages cost! 
Part 2 (ramble)
At the moment everything I do is either a need (housework, paying council tax etc. etc.) or something I enjoy or gives me a sense of satisfaction (hobbies), and as learning a language does not fall into either category, I find myself not doing it. I’m here again feeling annoyed about the way I feel, but I do wish I could be more passionate about it. I’ve been reading a book on botany (I’m a complete beginner) and now that’s something I do find fascinating! I’ve been trying to think why and I’m not sure but I do find that even when I fail to remember something or don’t understand, it doesn’t bother me too much. It’s the attitude you’re supposed to have with languages. It’s not just languages though- I tried a beginners’ course in indoor climbing a few years ago and well, all I can say is that you are all very lucky I did not do a blog about that!!
I often wonder why I write this stuff. I suppose I hope that there are other people out there who struggle or feel down about their ability and are trying to ‘break through’ to become one of the successful learners we read about here and also in publications aimed at learners. I do feel there’s a lot of emphasis placed on fluency nowadays by society. It’s not so encouraged to just ‘have a go’ and maybe reach a conversational level- instead you have to aim for nothing short of being mistaken for a native speaker.