The SSi Newsletter! Updates - Contributions - Feedback - Comments - Chat šŸ“§

Over the years, the SSiW Newsletter has included all kinds of interesting stories, fascinating information, listings of local and international events and so much more. Our aim is to always keep it colourful, interesting and relevant whilst maintaining its diversity.

We like to bring you Welsh related and Welsh language related stories from all over the world and share with you as much of this fascinating culture, both traditional and contemporary, as we can.

We also love to include in the email, contributions from our SSiW community.

Have a look at the list below to see if it inspires youā€¦

  • Have you started to blog in Welsh?

  • Is there an interesting event for learners happening near you?

  • Have you joined a new learner chat group?

  • Do you have an inspiring story to tell?

  • Are you an artist/craftre/photographer/author/sculptor whoā€™d like to share their work?

  • Are you looking for long lost Welsh family or any history of your Welsh ancestors?

  • Are you planning on visiting Wales and looking for specific recommendations for places to visit and things to do?

  • Are you an university student whoā€™s doing research in to minority languages/language usage/language resurgence or anything to do with learning languages at all?

  • Are you an employer looking for Welsh-speaking staff?

So please, if you have an inspiring story to tell or something interesting to say or If you have an event to share, get in touch with us via this thread and help make the weekly email yours! Diolch :slightly_smiling_face:

If you donā€™t receive the SSi Newsletter and youā€™d like to - you can register here


Apologies, but a few hiccups have meant that the weekly email hasnā€™t been sent out yet this week. Fingers crossed for tomorrow and thank you for your patience. :blush:

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Dear all,

Sincere apologies, but there will be no weekly email this week. Itā€™s been a full on, non stop kind of week which has been taken over by a ā€˜first in monthsā€™, very emotional day trip to take my kids to visit my parents, Aranā€™s birthday and an epic trip to Tesco. As I shop for elderly parents and an elderly neighbour, our weekly delivery slots have been invaluable! But this week we failed to secure a slot, unfortunately. So we had to make an expedition to Tesco, which, by the time we got home and the disinfecting and sorting had been done, most of the day had disappeared.

So next week it is - but I promise to make it an extra special one. Thank you for your patience and continued support. :slight_smile:


So very sorry for the lack of weekly email this week. Iā€™ve been helping my elderly parents out and the week ran away with me Iā€™m afraid. Iā€™ll be back on it next week. Thank you for your continued patience and support.



Just a quick message to say that this weekā€™s email will be going out tomorrow, after child number two is back at school. :wink:

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Apologies that there hasnā€™t been a weekly email this week. We will be back to it next week. Diolch for your patience and understanding. :slight_smile:

Happy Monday bawb!

Apologies from me, but there wonā€™t be a weekly email this week. Thank you for your patience. :slight_smile:

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We will be back to our usual routine with the weekly email next week. Sorry for the ā€˜gapā€™ and thank you as always for your patience. :slight_smile:

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I have only just seen this and had just re-subscribed because I didnā€™t seem to be getting the emails any more, so I thought I must have unsubscribed. I find the emails very interesting and helpful, thank you.

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Hiw do I subscribe? First Iā€™ve heard of a weekly email.

Over the years, the SSiW weekly email has included all kinds of interesting stories, fascinating information, listings of local and international events and so much more. Our aim is to always keep it colourful, interesting and relevant whilst maintaining its diversity.

We like to bring you Welsh related and Welsh language related stories from all over the world and to share with you as much of this fascinating culture, both traditional and contemporary, as we can.

We also love to include in the email, contributions from our SSiW community.

Have a look at the list below to see if it inspires youā€¦

  • Have you started to blog in Welsh?

  • Is there an interesting event for learners happening near you?

  • Have you joined a new learner chat group?

  • Do you have an inspiring story to tell?

  • Are you an artist/craftre/photographer/author/sculptor whoā€™d like to share their work?

  • Are you looking for long lost Welsh family or any history of your Welsh ancestors?

  • Are you planning on visiting Wales and looking for specific recommendations for places to visit and things to do?

  • Are you an university student whoā€™s doing research in to minority languages/language usage/language resurgence or anything to do with learning languages at all?

  • Are you an employer looking for Welsh speaking staff?

So please, if you have an inspiring story to tell or something interesting to say or If you have an event to share, get in touch with us via this thread and help make the weekly email really yours! Diolch :slightly_smiling_face:


Shwmae! Catherine yma!

I started learning Welsh this year and it has been a bit of a slow road because I have been doing a PGCE at the same time. However, as I am doing my PGCE in Wales it has been really useful to learn with SSiW to support my use of Welsh during lessons.

During my PGCE, I organised a little rap challenge for Dydd Miwsig Cymru for the students of one of the schools I have been in. So I have a video of me introducing the challenge and rapping in Welsh that I thought might be a nice thing to share with the Welsh learning community. It wonā€™t upload with this post for some reason but I thought it was a nice part of my Welsh journey so far to share.

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Hereā€™s a rap about SSIW that came out at the 10th birthday party back in 2019, made by the lovely @tatjana. It bought the house down.


Shwmae bawb!

How I accidently started learning Welsh

Having spent most of my adult life in Germany, apart from a couple of family holidays and some childhood years in Portishead (with a great view of Newport from my bedroom window), sadly, Iā€™ve had almost nothing to do with Wales during my life.

That changed when I started writing a sci-fi/fantasy novel where two of the main characters were Welsh. Through them, bit by bit, Wales and its stories crept onto my radar until I was positively open to all things Wales.

Iā€™ll be self-publishing my book ā€“ ā€˜The Cleaner, the Cat and the Space Stationā€™ ā€“ on Amazon this summer. During lockdown last year, I wrote a prequel novella to encourage people to sign up to my Readersā€™ Club newsletter. It tells the story of how Joe, the space station captain, came to join the pilot training programme.

Joe is a first-language Welsh speaker from Brecon and the plot demanded I write a few sentences in Welsh (thanks again to Siaron for checking them!). While doing the original research for these, I stumbled across the SSiW app.

I did the first challenge out of curiosity and was immediately hooked. Iā€™ve already been through the becoming-fluent-in-another-language process twice and I saw straight away that the SSiW method shortens that process by years . And it was so much fun! Throughout lockdown, learning Welsh became a habit which helped me switch off by making me focus on something totally unrelated to my everyday life.

My novella, ā€˜The Man with the Dragon Tattooā€™ is now available to download for free from It had that title long before Iā€™d ever heard of SSiW ā€“ but I laughed myself silly when I read Aranā€™s ā€˜Some Sex and a Hillā€™!

Thank you SSiW, for the unplanned and unexpected gift of the so-very-elegant Welsh language!


@Fay I love this. I sincerely hope your whole series will be available for Kindle readers as well and that itā€™ll be available for US Kindle buyers also because I for some reason canā€™t buy any Kindle edition through the UK Amazon.

Downloading free novela for a taste of course. :slight_smile:

And thank you @margaretnock for bringing my SSiW Rap to the light of the day againā€¦ I still think this was the highest peak of my learning and Iā€™m not quite sure Iā€™ll ever go over that top.


Thanks Tatjana, hope you enjoy the story. Your rap is awesome, by the way! :grinning:
Of course the novel will be available as an ebook - everywhere. And the rest of the series just as soon as I can write itā€¦I live in Germany and have exactly the same frustrations with the Kindle store location straight jacket.
By the way, I have a shiny new Facebook page now too, check it out here:

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Dear all, hereā€™s an update on my 11 year adventure with SSiW. I love continuing to do the lessons to keep Cymraeg fresh in my mind. I just rotate the Level 3 North ones as revision.
Recently I was out for a beer with a Dutch friend when a young student lady asked him for a lighter. Noticing her accent I asked ā€œSiarad Cymraeg?ā€ She replied ā€œydwā€ and we were away. Turns out that she is from Pontcanna, Cardiff, and raised there in a Welsh speaking family
Then, working in Plymouth yesterday I was talking to a nurse and discovered that she was from Carmarthen and also a fluent speaker! Both of these lovely ladies, who were pretty cool and trendy by the way, and the Dutchman, were astounded by how fluently I spoke Welsh. All thanks to the fabulous SSiW community! I tell everyone about it. So hereā€™s a huge ā€œdiolch o waelod calonā€ and some encouragement for any newbies :pray: