The SSi Growth Club

Hope you had a really excellent night out!
Thanks for the recordings - I think I may be going to Rugby tonight, two and a half hours each way :smiley:.

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Did anyone check Sun activities yesterday because we were without Internet for about 2 or so hours too and we have WAY DIFFERENT Internet provider then @aran has living far from there ā€¦ I many times check these things, but I didnā€™t do that these days though.

And, (just a mention) be careful with e-mails. ā€œPay moneyā€ virus is on the attacking role again (at least here in Slovenia).

And, thank you for the extra treats.

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Am lais hyfryd, Catrin, diolch yn fawr! Tiā€™n darllen yn wych - er ei fod yn dipyn o her iā€™w ddeall!

Diolch, Catrin, your readings are so beautiful to listen to - although a bit hard to understand!


Several months ago I started contributing to Clwb Tyfu and downloaded about thirty of the recordings but only used them sporadically, so Iā€™m way behind with them at present. Having decided to get a grip of myself and try to catch up, I tried a link @tatjana gave me ages ago to try to download more but it doesnā€™t work. Can someone please tell me how I can get to where I need to be to top up? Many thanks

Hi Bryan - weā€™ve been running them on a ā€˜10 available at any given timeā€™ approach, so we donā€™t end up with huge pages of files - the idea being that we manage to do one a week as a thanks to Growth Club members - rather than to create a body of work that you need to go through in order/in detail.

So we donā€™t have a central repository I can just point you atā€¦ but if you let me know which ones you donā€™t have, I can dig them out on my computer and see if I can email them to you successfullyā€¦?

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Thanks @aran, I downloaded thirty eight of them so any more beyond that would be useful. Otherwise, for new ones as you make them available, where do I go to access them on a weekly basis please?

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See @tatjanaā€™s helpful comment with screenshots further up:

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Yes, as Philip says, if you go to ā€˜Challengesā€™ you should see the Growth Club up at the top of the options there - and there are currently 10 in there - 39 to 48 at the moment, I think - so actually, if the 38 were the first 38, you wonā€™t have missed any.

But Iā€™d move pronto if I were you - Iā€™m going to be uploading 2 new ones inside the next half hour or soā€¦ :slight_smile:

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Andā€¦ yes, TWO new Growth Club sessions up for you this week - weā€™re starting to pay off our weeks of shameā€¦:wink:


Hello @bryanroberts. I didnā€™t know the link doesnā€™t work. Is there someone else I gave the link to and it didnā€™t work? Let me know via PM and Iā€™ll try to fix things.

Is there any sgwrs youā€™re still missing now? Let me know and Iā€™ll find another way to get it to you.


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Diolch Aran.

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Iā€™ve just listened to the last two, in my humble opinion I think they are a much better way of doing things, better than a question/answer kind of format.

I also think that the Star Wars decision is a good one ā€¦ just my view but I am a little over protective of my kids to be honest.


Diolch ti boi :slight_smile:

Ah, we differ there. Iā€™m looking for ways to avenge myself on mineā€¦:wink:

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Catrin, your ā€˜sorryā€™ stories are lovely to listen to - youā€™re right, youā€™d be great as a childrenā€™s storyteller.

I have a strong feeling, as the words wash over me, that if I can ignore my translating brain and listen with my childā€™s imagination, Iā€™ll understand what youā€™re saying. So I wonā€™t check the text. These will be my bedtime stories, to be listened to over and over again - and theyā€™re recorded, so no risk of you skipping a page or two to try and hurry up bedtime! Diolch yn fawr.


I know, I knowā€¦ you were certain that I was going to use Christmas Eve as an excuse for missing a weekā€¦

Butā€¦ shock, horror, I havenā€™t!

Yes, our Christmas Growth Club special (youā€™ll see) is up and waiting for youā€¦

Nadolig llawen iawn i chi gyd! :heart:

A blwyddyn newydd dda, meddai Angharad Lliarā€¦:wink:


I hope that Catrin enjoyed a champagne breakfast, and that your VERY GOOD children enjoyed all their presents!


The wicked scamps have not yet been sent to jail, but we do have the local police on speed-dialā€¦

[And yes, Catrin did! :slight_smile: ]

Sorry sorry for missing last week, just Christmas/New Year/exhaustionā€¦:wink:

But Iā€™ve just published two new Growth Club chats to try and make upā€¦

Now, whereā€™s my breakfast?!..:wink:


Woot woot, here comes another Growth Club right at you - just one this week, itā€™s a bit cold here - but I am planning on carrying on doubling up for a while longer, until my guilt ebbs awayā€¦:wink:

[All the latest, up-to-the-minute info about publishing Level 3 - will it happen today?! - in hereā€¦;-)]


Okay, come on - hands up who thought I was going to miss this week?


Not a chance.

#55 up and waiting for you :slight_smile: