The Simple Pleasures of Learning Welsh (or anything!)

I’ve been unbelievably busy over the last couple of months and have lost touch a little with my learning of Welsh but this has given me ‘comfort blanket’ moment’s when I get a real pleasure from my limited knowledge of the language. At the moment that’s road signs. Pure joy when I’m driving round Wales and I can ignore the English and just have those fleeting reminders that it’s up there somewhere!
I’m hoping that we’ve all got those moments when something simple reminds us why we’re learning a new language.

(and of course we all love those moments when we spot the mistake!)


Unless, of course, someone WANTS the Welsh speakers to exit to the left, the English speakers to the right?

With two exit routes from a car park, you could monitor how many used each of them - a “straw poll on wheels” of language usage :smile: