The 'Please add me to the SSiW map' thread 🗺

Hi Sionned,
Please add me to the map. I a in Denia, Spain.

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Hello Sionned,

Could I also be added to the map? I’m in High Ridge, Missouri, USA

Diolch yn fawr!


Thanks! I have added you to the map. If you check on it and would like me to adjust the location, just let me know.

(By the way, I actually live in Columbia, MO)

Hi Sionned! Could I be added to the map as well please? I’m in Lincoln, Lincolnshire (UK). Diolch :slight_smile:

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Hi Sionned! I would also like to be added to the map - I’m in Hillsborough, NC 27278. Diolch yn fawr!

Mel (bonanzajellydog)

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Hi @Sionned , could you please make me the third pin in Antwerp, Belgium please? (If this initiative is still going strong) :slight_smile:

Is this still an active thing? I can see a couple of pins somewhat near me, but I don’t know how to make contact with the users if they’re still there, which I would have guessed might be part of the point. (Though just having a visual of how many and where we are is very cool too.) Should I assume if clicking on the name isn’t a live link their accounts are gone? :frowning:
If you’re still adding people, Sionned, I’ll not give my exact address but please could you put me in Lloegr, Sussex, Lancing (BN15 as a shortcut) somewhere near the train station? (The illusion of online privacy. I’m quite certain anyone who wants to can very easily find out where I live, but why advertise?)

Shwmae @Sionned! Are you still adding people to the map?

@verity-davey unfortunately, some people have been great at asking to be added to the map, but not so great at asking to be removed when they’re no longer learning Welsh, so it’s a bit hit and miss whether you can find someone near you this way.

There is a way to try though, as the map shows you the Forum Name of the person. If you click on your Avatar up at the top right, you’ll see an envelope icon. Double-click on that, and you’ll open up a panel with your Messages, and a button to create a ‘New Message’ at the bottom. Using that you can write a message to the Forum Name you’ve found, and if they’re still active on the forum, or receiving messages from it, you may get a reply.

Cool, I’ll give it a go. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Just so you know, I did add verity-davey to the map a couple days ago.