The Pabell Pinc is up!

Heard the 'Steddfod had started setup down in Llanelli so went for an aerial nose today (before it gets its own air navigation warning once it opens…)

Big setup job but already a lot in place. Liking the layout this year.


Excited now! Become a real feature of my year has the Eisteddfod!

Lovely picture! I saw the pink tent on the way to Burry Port last Saturday! It is opposite the old Stradey Park, and the area that use to be Duport steel works ( one of Thatcher’s culling of heavy industries in the early 80’s) it is hard to believe that such a large industry sat where the Eisteddfod is based this year! Certainly looks better now than it did then!
I will being to the Eisteddfod on the Saturday and Wednesday, so may bump into you!

Great pic, Leia. Diolch! Disgwyl 'mlaen at y Steddfod yn fawr iawn! :slight_smile: