The infamous "get" for a short translation

S’mae pawb-

I’ve got a phrase you hear a bit in the U.S.: “They get it from us.”

This is typically used when a city or region will be named after another city or region in Europe/the U.K. As in, Birmingham, Alabama and its namesake, Birmingham, England.

Any idea how it might be translated? I generally get hung up using cael/get. Here’s my attempt:

“Mae nhw’n cael o gennym ni.”

That seems a very poor translation to me. Any others want to chime in?


It’s commonly used on this side of the Atlantic, too, Trey, in phrases such as “he gets it from his dad” spoken either affectionately or apologetically :slight_smile:

Can’t offer a translation, though - sorry.

I’m thinking this probably should be placed in the past tense, not the present. Sooo… I’m thinking “gaethon nhw iddo fe o ni”. I could be completely wrong though!

Ditto on the past tense, Gavin, good call.

I’m not too sure on the ‘city names’ contexts, but the ‘he gets it from his dad’ would definitely be ‘mae o’n cael o gan ei dad’.

If you needed to put it in the past tense, you’d end up with ‘caeth/cafodd o gan ei dad’…:smile:

Thanks, Aran!