The '5 Minutes' Test - week 6 **Going PINK** ๐Ÿ’ฎ (Badges Awarded Mondays)

Done :blush::+1:t2:

Yes. Completed the 5 minute test.

Got it!

All done!

Done (last week, forgot to post)

Done it :grinning:

Da iawn @w-shephardson, @robin-c-kuhl, @anne-flake, @john-harris-2 a @sharon-davies-4 :partying_face: :partying_face: :blush:


Done but didnโ€™t feel over happy with my sentences

Done it!

Done it

Da iawn @JaneyC, @RichardCharleston a @rosemary-bellingham :tada:

Done it

Have completed it - kept my sentences quite simple though!

Done it

5 minute test done

Da iawn @tina-20, @LizL, @max_north a @gareth-36 :partying_face: :partying_face: :slight_smile:

Ive done the 5 minute testโ€ฆyaaay! Took me ages to fathom how to post in here though

Da iawn @gill-leach, both for the finishing the test and for making it on here!

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Dw i wedi gwneud e.
I hope that says Done it :blush:

It does, da iawn! :partying_face:

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