The '5 Minutes' Test - week 6 **Going PINK** ๐Ÿ’ฎ (Badges Awarded Mondays)

Done it

Gwych, great work @david-maxwell, @Oddsandgirl a @margaret-davies-2 ! :blush:

Done it :grinning::confetti_ball:

Done it! (Sorry, forgot to post earlier!!)

Done it :muscle:

Dwi wedi gwneud o :slight_smile: Iโ€™ve done it

Done it

Done it

Da iawn @vince-3, @godfreylacks, @erich, @lynne-roberts-1, @margaret-davies-2, @anthony-john :partying_face: :tada:

Done it

Dw i wedi wneud e!

Done it.

Are there any Welsh learners in Fife (Scotland) available to chat?

Da iawn @georginawashington, @katherine-murray and @Ifor-ab-Ifor :partying_face: :partying_face:

Done :partying_face:

Done! Thank you.

Done it

Done it!

Gwych! @natasha-scott, @rosvita-rauch, @joan-adams a @sam-brown :blush: :tada: :partying_face:

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