The '5 Min' Test- week 18 'SENTENCES' recording **Pink to Red badge** 🔴 (Awarded Mondays)

Diolch yn fawr.

That sounds great

Gwych, da iawn @paul-griffith! :star_struck:

I forgot just how much I paused when I recorded this :flushed: Posting this was difficult for me because I have a bit of voice-related dysphoria so I definitely feel a bit brave/nervous right now :sweat_smile: I want to get the most out of the course!!

Diolch yn fawr iawn.

Gwych, @Morgan-Jones, and very impressed at the level of your motivation and bravery! (I ended up deleting my recordings because of dysphoria, so you’ve beat me there :smile:)

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Gwych, llongyfarchiadau on your recording @darren-fox ! :tada:

Shwmae, Aran!

I recorded my sentences months ago, but now the system doesn’t seem to have a recording of it. All I get is this greyed out link button (see screengrab, below), and an eternal message saying “Loading existing recording”. :frowning:

ok, so here are my sentences :grimacing:
I have to admit I just recorded these now, Im on week 20. There’s lots of audible struggles trying to finish sentences, I tried a couple of times, but I’m afraid it won’t get any better than this. Still im quite proud of the ones that actually do make sense!

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Hi Gillian!
I think that’s why some use soundcloud instead? I’ve got the same problem, but luckily enough realized in time. I am able to record with the embedded recorder, so I save the recording there, then right away copy the link and save it (I just sent it to myself via email). Maybe that’s a workaround that also serves you.
Have a good weekend! Hannah

Gwych, @hannah-deuchler! :heart: That’s completely normal, don’t worry, you definitely should be proud :wink:

And @gillian-11 - sorry to hear you’re having trouble with the recording! @Kinetic - any idea what the problem could be and what gillian could try? As @hannah-deuchler suggested, if you’re willing to do another recording soundcloud is also an option!

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Yes, I have the same problem.

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Hiya, I have re recorded the sentences as I’ve lost the originals. They are very hesitant as I have Covid at the moment and it’s scrambled my brain. Hope they’re okay.

I have no clue how to write a post or share a link. Here is my recording. I think.
Thanks. Victoria

Great work @jill-hazel-walsh a @Plum!

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Da iawn @liz-33! :slight_smile: :grin:

Bravo :clap: