That London

Why oh why did I ever agree to go to London [from Cardiff] for the day for work. Ending up back in the 'diff at 11.45 and only just got home!
Anyway, I want to publicise the London Welsh Centre on Grays Inn Road to London learners. They do classes and conversation sessions and other things. I had a nice chat in Welsh with the bar manager, it is just a really nice place, a little bit of Wales in London. I used to go there when I lived in London 20 years ago, it hasn’t changed at all, except now I can speak Welsh (wel tipyn fach)!


Too modest … too modest …

As much as I could hear, you speak Cymraeg good. So, you had a nice Welsh chat what is great! :slight_smile:

Da iawn ti!

Tatjana :slight_smile:


@Y_Ddraig_Las I’m a big big fan of this place. I’ve been working in London for the last 18 months (once a fortnight or so) and admittedly I only just discovered this place in the last couple of months.

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