
There’s a certain question that I slightly dread hearing:
“Did you watch the football last night?”
I am interested in very few sports.
But. There’s this one big summer tournament I really enjoy - Wimbledon. And for the next couple of weeks on S4C, there is live coverage of… Tour de France. :cry:
Is there anywhere I can hear tennis commentary yn Gymraeg? Laughing at the commentary is half the fun for me!

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Hi Verity, I’m sorry, but I don’t think that there is any tennis coverage available in Cymraeg.

Aran is a huge tennis fan, especially Wimbledon, so I can tell you with some certainty that S4C doesn’t cover it.

Maybe one day, though!


Ah well, at least I’m not the only tennis fan here. I shall have to carry on listening to Andrew Castle and Nick Mullins. :woman_shrugging:

For which we apologise :wink::rofl:

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