Tengo pregunta

Buenos días amigos. ?Qué tal ?
Above is the subject of my query. In very informal situations like here on Facebook, in text messaging, WhatsApp groups, tiktok etc! Would the double ?¿ be required?
Muchas Gracias

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I don’t know about required, but my range of interests means I fairly often see social media comments in other languages, and I think pretty much always a Spanish question has the ¿? pattern. Of course, I don’t read Spanish and don’t go looking for such comments. Maybe I only notice when it happens and not when it doesn’t, because what’s unfamiliar can stand out more.
But it is definitely used a fair bit on social media, even if not always. (And it might be always.)

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No. I’ve rarely seen it used in social media, e.g. WhatsApp, texting, and not even in more casual emails.