
Is anyone else going to the Tafwyl festival in Cardiff this weekend? Should be good! http://tafwyl.org/
Lots of top bands to see. It looks like a mini Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, without the competitions! A Maes D, Lolfa Len, Cheese tent (hopefully!), beer tent… so lots to explore/ find people to speak Welsh with in-between the bands!

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I’ll be there tomorrow, Gareth. Hope to bump into you!

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Yes I’m going. Just for tea tonight, but some of the events in the learners tent tomorrow look good - learning vocabulary and books for learners

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There do indeed look to be a couple of interesting things in Maes D, sorry, the Learner’s Tent.
I’m glad I’m going tomorrow, by the time I found the cheese tent, it had closed :O(
Hopefully the queues for beer and food are a little less daunting tomorrow, but i doubt it!

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I got to have a chat with Manon Steffan Ros after her interview in the learners tent [yn Gymraeg wrth cwrs]. During the interview she mentioned @aran, fellow writer @CatrinLliarJones a Say Something in Wels!. If i understood correctly she spoke about how SSiW helps people learn to read in Welsh! I’m not sure, but personally, i think this is due to encouraging confidence in Welsh and getting used to Welsh brain melt!
And I got to meet Ben Dant while he was dressed as Ben Dant! It’s not just me, he says he has met loads of people who have said ‘Ben Dant’ has helped people with their Welsh, yn Ben Dant! arghh!!!
Lots and lots of great music too of course!


Jumping in here to save opening another thread. I’m working today but might be free 11:00 to 13:00. Thinking of popping in for a look, but don’t fancy spending the entire time in an entrance queue. How’s it looking today, folks!

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@Novem is around!


Hi, sorry, bit late! I’m going to be there in an hour or so, so can’t really help :stuck_out_tongue:

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Dim problem, Cai. Just a moving queue :grinning:. Ill be around till 12:30 ish.

Edit- Heading back to work now. Nice lunch break :sunglasses:

@robbruce is there somewhere.


Fair dinkum, they have some decent bands on the list for the weekend. Not bad for free.

Also my cunning plan of parking on Cathedral Road beyond the parking restrictions saved a few more quid. Just for future reference for similar events, rugby, etc. TBH, its not that much further to walk than from the official parking/bus drop-off sites. :grinning:

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Really jealous of you folk who can go. Have a great time and a beer for me!

Hey, but I should be grateful… this week at the Vancouver Welsh Society we had a great quiz night at our own pub (saw Ruth and Jan there—wow, do they ever have the answers, glad they were in the same team), AND about 8 of us invaded a coffee shop and chatted in Welsh non-stop for over an hour.

Not quite Tafwyl, but we are flying the flag :grinning:



Sorry, only just seen this having returned home. I find the SSIW forum to be difficult to use on my phone.

The queues yesterday (Saturday) were awful. It was taking people over an hour to get in. This was particularly inconvenient for people who were just nipping out to use cash machines or meeting friends or picking up food. I suppose that you have to be stoical about this sort of thing in contemporary times, and the lovely weather made the event particularly attractive to casual visitors, but maybe the organisers should be thinking about moving it out to the park, where there would be a lot more space and a lot more scope for emergency exits should the unwanted occur.

That said, today with a bit of rain meant no queues and a much emptier ‘maes’. I don’t think that the organisers can possibly win on this.

We had a bit of a family emergency on Saturday which meant, having strolled in initially around 11am, leaving the castle for a couple of hours and by the time we got back we were forced to join an 800m queue to get back in. I missed stuff I’d been looking forward to for months. But, again, that’s life and we move on to the smaller festivals over the next few weeks and then the National Eisteddfod. No point worrying over a petticoat that didn’t get lifted, as it were.

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Slightly weird, but isn’t the bloke in my pic, Huw Stephens? The bloke in the brown cap, with his child in the push chair. I walked straight past him thinking: no, can’t be.

I did the same thing at the Eisteddfod. I’d never be any good as a private investigator :frowning:

Yes it is. He’s talking to Meic Parry, ex bass and keyboards player in several bands around a decade or so ago (including Winebego and y Ffyrc), and now Radio Cymru sound engineer specialising in sports outside broadcasts.

I must admit to doing something much worse on Friday evening. I was strolling along with my daughter, half daydreaming, half trying to timetable the optimal list of bands to see, and she says to me “Ti ‘di sylwyddoli bo’ ti newydd blanco Gwilym Bowen Rhys? O’dd e’n mynd i dweud helo atati a ti’n jyst cerdded heibio.” “Did you notice that you just blanked Gwilym Bowen Rhys? He was about to say hello to you and you just walked past.” Embarrassing. So embarrassing that I spent the remainder of the night dreading bumping into him.

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:open_mouth: It happens. I’m sure he won’t hold it as a grunge against you.

I’m still unsure about how to behave when acknowledged by Sin Roc Cymru slebs. Half of me wants to fanboy out, the other half just wants to get used to it.

They’re not really, are they? There’s (literally) one or two who are up themselves, but the remainder are fundamentally just fans with guitars. :slight_smile:

I’ll settle for heroes with guitars