Tafwyl Caerdydd 2024

Tafwyl is the main Welsh language festival in Caerdydd and will be taking place this year on 12-14 July in Bute Park.

It’s a fabulous occasion to get along to with lots of Welsh bands and cultural activities. Here’s the link to the main website to read more:

Tafwyl – Gŵyl Gymraeg Caerdydd / Cardiff’s Welsh Arts & Culture Festival

They’re looking for volunteers to help run the event and Welsh learners are welcome. I volunteered a couple of times myself in the early days of Tafwyl and it was a great opportunity to use my Welsh and generally be immersed in a Welsh language atmosphere.


As part of Tafwyl, a special session for children in Years 3 and 4 has been arranged with the Children’s Poet, Nia Morais. That sounds like a lovely opportunity for Welsh-speaking children in the Caerdydd area! If you don’t have children yourself, perhaps you could pass it on to any parents you know.

If you attended Tafwyl this year, the organisers would really appreciate you completing this survey to get your feedback:

Here’s the link to fill it in: https://forms.gle/cq5fk5Wx4ZC69f7y7

Thanks for the heads up Deborah, done.
I had a fantastic time singing my heart out and bouncing around with the kids at the front…
If anyone else is reading this and considering going in the future, go on, give it a whirl - you won’t be disappointed.

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