Swansea Meetup in the Brunswick

Hello Everybody.

Is the Swansea meetup still live?

Hope to see you all in the Brunswick Wednesday if so :slight_smile:

Do post to let me know



@leiafee I haven’t been advised otherwise, but the contact person for this is @owainlurch who doesn’t appear to be active on the forum much these days. Do you know if this is still going on? @triciaroberts do you know?

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Diolch Dee,

Hopefully someone will be along soon to confirm :smile:

I see Trish and Owain fairly often so will ask. I haven’t been in a while so have slightly lost track.


I understand that the meets in the Brunswick aren’t going on at the moment.

Usually something going on at Ty Tawe on friday nights and Saturday morning though - not SSIw specific.


I would love to hear about any Swansea meetups.

I live in Aberystwyth, but most of my wife’s family live in Swansea so we find ourselves down there a fair bit if you don’t mind a kamakazee visitor every few weeks?

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There’s siop siarad in Tŷ Tawe ever Saturday morning 10-12 in the bar of the shop/Welsh centre/Menter Iaith offices. Not SSIW specific but I’m on kettle duty there from time to time and there’s a good group of regulars.


Hi Gareth, I usually go to ty Tawe Saturday mornings with my two daughters. Friendly bunch. Definitely worth going along. Often quiet around 10 but usually busy by 10.30 or so.


Thanks again for the info Leia - ti’n seren

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Diolch Tom,

I’m hoping to be there in the next couple of weeks (hopefully to record some people speaking Welsh for this project: http://www.corcencc.org/).

See you there perhaps :slight_smile:

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The Siop Siarad regulars were discussing CorCen with interest on Saturday - had you been to a Cyd group there? Someone from that group does Siop Siarad as well and was talking about the project and the recordings.

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I had indeed been to the Cyd group on the Thursday - met some really nice people there.

I’ll be going back to Swansea (and Neath/Port Talbot) next week if anyone wants to meet up for a chat (recorded or otherwise!)