Super Fast Track with Dysgu Cymraeg Gwent

Here’s an exciting new opportunity with Dysgu Cymraeg Gwent!

Have you previously started a Welsh course and had to give up for one reason or another? But now you would like to pick up where you left off?

Why not join one of our Super Fast Track courses and complete the course by the Summer?

If you like the idea of doing just one day a week on one of our intensive courses then these courses are ideal!

Pay just £20 for the course (use this discount at the checkout: SFT23 — plus you’ll get the coursebook FREE when you sign up.

Dych chi wedi dechrau cwrs Cymraeg o’r blaen ac wedi gorfod rhoi’r gorau iddo am ryw reswm neu’i gilydd? Hoffech chi roi cynnig arni eto?

Beth am ymuno ag un o’n cyrsiau Super Fast Track a chwblhau’r cwrs erbyn yr Haf?

Os dych chi’n hoffi’r syniad o wneud un diwrnod yr wythnos yn unig ar un o’n cyrsiau dwys yna dyma’r cwrs i chi!

Talwch £20 yn unig ar gyfer y cwrs (defnyddiwch y gostyngiad hwn ar y ddesg dalu: SFT23 — hefyd fe gewch chi’r llyfr cwrs AM DDIM pan fyddwch chi’n cofrestru.

Here are the levels that you will complete. They all take place in a virtual classroom. The links with each one allow you to register.

Super Fast Track 1
Mynediad 2 & Sylfaen 1 - Start Date: 10.01.23 - Dydd Mawrth/Tuesday - 09:00-16:00
Croeso - welcome | Learn Welsh

Super Fast Track 2
Canolradd 1&2 - Start Date: 24.01.23 - Dydd Mawrth/Tuesday - 09:00-16:00
Foundation Course Part 2 | Courses | Learn Welsh

Super Fast Track 3
Uwch i Rhan 2 - Start Date: 31.01.23 - Dydd Mawrth/Tuesday - 09:00-16:00
Cwrs Uwch 1 - Rhan i a ii | Cyrsiau | Dysgu Cymraeg

Super Fast Track 4
Uwch ii Rhan 2 - Start Date - 01.02.23 - Dydd Mercher/Wednesday - 09:00-16:00
Cwrs Uwch 2 - Rhan i a ii | Cyrsiau | Dysgu Cymraeg

For more information, contact:

Lowri Morgan

Swyddog Cyfathrebu a Marchnata

Campws Crosskeys Campus
Heol Risca Road
NP11 7ZA

SFT 23.pdf (469.4 KB)