Dysgu Cymraeg Gwent is organising another day of learning Welsh across Zoom and it’s free to participate. It will take place on July 3rd, 9:30 to 3:30. The links to register are below. If you’re not sure what level you should attend, go for one a little higher than you think. Better to find you can learn lots from the others, than be in a session that isn’t stretching you at all
Mynediad Rhan 1 (Entry 1) | https://bit.ly/3iOGvJs |
Mynediad Rhan 2 (Entry 2) | https://bit.ly/3u3emVP |
Sylfaen Rhan 1 (Foundation 1) | https://bit.ly/3IYdsxM |
Sylfaen Rhan 2 (Foundation 2) | https://bit.ly/3DuFbVJ |
Canolradd Rhan 1 (Intermediate 1) | https://bit.ly/3uKD1x9 |
Canolradd Rhan 2 (Intermediate 2) | https://bit.ly/3iOvGqW |
Uwch 1 i (Advanced 1 i) | https://bit.ly/3NM2Jua |
Uwch 1 ii (Advanced 1 ii) | https://bit.ly/3iN1MDA |
Uwch 2 i (Advanced 2 i) | https://bit.ly/3tUc4YX |
Uwch 2 ii (Advanced 2 ii) | https://bit.ly/35vTOvC |
Uwch 3 i (Advanced 3 i) | https://bit.ly/3NymzJ7 |
Uwch 3 ii (Advanced 3 ii) | https://bit.ly/3IT28mv |
Gloywi (Proficiency) | https://bit.ly/3DtUq1q |
Any questions - contact
Geraint Wilson-Price
Dysgu Cymraeg Gwent
Learn Welsh Gwent
01495 333710