Suggestions for watching S4C

I finished Y Goleudy. It was really good fun, and reminded me of watching The Sarah Jane Adventures as a teen. :smiley:


Itopia: There are only a couple of episodes of each series up on S4C Clic at the moment, but if you have access to BBC iPlayer and don’t mind English-only subtitles, or if they ever re-run the whole of it on S4C it might fit the bill - it’s similar in a way to Y Goleudy (short episodes of teen near-future sci-fi), with someone who looks like Jeff Bezos (but acts like a Welsh Elon Musk) inadvertently bringing about a zombie-like plague with malfunctioning neural implants… Series 1 came with English subtitles, Series 2 with a choice of English or Welsh on S4C. Sadly, the most unbelievably sci-fi bit of it is probably the way all the computers understand idiomatic spoken Welsh - that seems less realistic at present than Neuralink turning people into zombies!


Excellent. I’m just warming up my dinner so I’ll start now! Don’t mind using iPlayer, in fact I generally do because I can watch it on my TV screen.


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Our TV now has S4C Clic as part of Freeview, so I can get S4C on the TV in the depths of Oxfordshire. Sometimes the offering differs from what you can get via iPlayer, and it often includes the option of Welsh-language subtitles (if that appeals).


@RichardBuck well, I’m dangerously hooked. Dragging myself to bed fighting the temptation to watch another.



Rybish is up now! I’m going to watch it after dinner. :smiley:


Sorry for the delayed response - I’ve been away from work.

There’s something similar in production for later in the year, I believe … I’ll make sure to share when it appears!


Hello, bawb!

I’m going slightly off piste today because I just wanted to flag a really brilliant series that I’m watching that isn’t from S4C!

I’m two-thirds through “Lost Boys and Fairies” on BBC iPlayer, and I think I’m correct in saying that it’s the first ever drama on prime time BBC 1 to use any significant Welsh in it. (Hinterland was on BBC 4…) It’s written by the wonderful Daf James, and draws heavily on his own experience of adopting as part of a gay couple.

If you’ve seen either of Daf’s Welsh-language stage plays Llwyth or Tylwyth you’ll be familiar with some of the themes, but they do get a different twist in this series. And it is beautifully written, acted and shot - I’m loving it, can you tell?

There is some fairly adult content (and language) in it, as well as portrayals of gay people being gay and adopting, so please don’t watch if that is going to upset you. But apart from that caveat - very highly recommended!


Ooh… people… I’ve just watched the third episode and it suddenly gets really dark! It’s still really good, but I need to issue a tissues advisory notice. And maybe don’t watch if you can’t cope with very sad things (my partner had to stop watching…)