Suggestions for watching S4C

Oooh, I hadn’t noticed that one appearing on Clic! (It’s a repeat from 2016 … but I didn’t see it then either…) Thanks!

I hadn’t started learning Welsh then, so I definitely missed it! (Also, I think I noticed the name @siaronjames on the credits…)

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Yep, I worked on that. It’s certainly a heart-breaking story - I was welling up frequently in the course of the work.


Ooh, that does sound worth watching. Must remember.

Just because this is the most recently active S4C-related thread: are there reasons for / plans to fix the problem that cable TV only has English subtitles available for S4C? I know we can use Clic instead, but it’s a teensy bit annoying. Often the pop-up in the corner says there are English subtitles & isdeitlau Cymraeg, but I know that only applies to satellite TV. If I actually try, my only option is English. :cry:
I like watching television on my television. Dragging out the laptop is not really any difficulty, but annoying.

What country are you in? (I’m in England, and can get S4C Clic on the Freeview catch-up, so I can have isdeitlau yn y Gymraeg on my English - OK, Korean by way of Richer Sounds - TV!)

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Ah, well. I am in England, but my smart TV is more of a StupidTV.
Basically… iPlayer and other apps didn’t work… because there is no antenna… because I have cable… but the TV was confused… and the only solution after hours of Googling turned out to be “Disable FreeView!”
So I have no way of getting Clic on my TV and I realise this is crazy but I’m just glad there was this workaround because there are other “Smart” TVs that just cannot comprehend accessing iPlayer / ITVX etcetera without an antenna so they’re basically broken if you hook them up with internet/cable only.
I think it is because some of these apps like to check where you are to give you the right news / weather / adverts, and their method of checking is via antenna signal not IP address. Maybe.
Technology is ridiculous.
Anywho, I can watch S4C. It is one of many channels that come to my house via Virgin Media fibre optic cable. It just only has English subtitles because… apparently that’s just a thing? S4C website even says, you can get Cymraeg if you have a satellite.
I wish it made sense, I really do.

Ah. I’ll stop being helpy, then… :sympathetic but sad face:


I am an absolute dunce when it comes to anything technical. However, our Viewers Hotline team are brilliant, and they’re really good at helping people (and escalating things that they can’t sort out). Have you contacted them about this issue? If not, that would be my suggestion - see Contact Us | S4C for all of the contact options (including phone number).

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Thanks, I tried the contact form. :slightly_smiling_face:
Noticed just as I hit send that I mistyped my own name due to fat-finger syndrome. I hate phones! :rofl: Oh well, I know that I know who I am!

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Fab - I hope they sort it out for you. (It’s probably causing a bit of head-scratching in the Clic/technical department as I type…)

And sympathise with the fat fingers - I am always doing that sort of thing!

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I said ages ago on the dead bird site that I was half considering changing my name to Ricahrd. A) It’d sound the same in Catalan; and B) it’s what I usually type, anyway.


This episode of Iaith ar Daith was on my radar anyway, but then I noticed Say Something in Welsh get a mention (I wanted to say my eyes pricked up but I’m pretty sure that’s not a saying in any language). There’s also a nice quote from Aran and the programme’s definitely on my watchlist now.


Pat out of Datblygu and one of my local venues. Cwl!

Wi’n mwynhau gwylio ‘Arfordir Cymru’ a’r ‘Llinell Las’ ar S4C Clic.
I enjoying watching Wales’ Coast and The Blue Line on S4C Clic.

Arfordir Cymru as you get to see the beautiful country that we have and the presenter and viewer are exposed to variations of words. Eg: Sietin, Clawdd, Claw, Perth and Gwrych (Hedge).

Y Llinell Las as it documents the everyday work that Heddlu Gogledd Cymru carry out and offers me personally an opportunity to hear and learn North Wales Welsh spoken in a real way.

Wi wedi mwynhau gwylio ‘Y Prif’ (The Chief) Which followed the Chief Constable of Dyfed Powys Police and his mission to better the Force.

Wi’n dod o Dde Cymru.
I come from South Wales.

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Given your interest in regional variations, maybe have a look at “Radio Fama” - it visits a different town or village in Wales every week and the presenters talk to ordinary local people, so you get a good variation of regional accents across the series.


Wi’n ddiolchgar iawn. I take it this actually a Radio Station, as opposed to S4C?

No, it’s an S4C TV programme. The presenters travel to the locations and set up an ultra-local radio show in a fold-up caravan. They interview people (on camera) in the caravan, hear their stories and play requests for them. and the cameras also follow some of them at home or work, as well as showing life in the location in general. It sounds like it shouldn’t work, but it does - it’s a format originally developed in the Netherlands that has been taken up by countries worldwide.

You can catch up on the current series here Clic


I agree with Siaron’s suggestion of Radio Fa’ma - I think it’s a lovely programme.

Also, have you found Sain Ffagan yet? It’s another “everyday work” programme, this time about the talented crew behind the scenes at the Sain Ffagan open-air museum just outside Cardiff (one of my favourite places!): Clic


Just wondering: is there a (legal!) way to watch s4c abroad? It’s a great way to immerse yourself in Welsh, but it’s hard to keep up on the Mainland…