Am I correct in assuming that subscription costs are based upon just one language and for one person?
Many thanks.
Am I correct in assuming that subscription costs are based upon just one language and for one person?
Many thanks.
A subscription gives full access to all of the languages to a user, across as many devices as they care to log in on…
So theoretically two or more people could use just one subscription if they were each learning a different language?
It seems rather mean to game the system like that, though, when SSI makes such an effort to be affordable and accessible already.
Since the early days, there have always been ways to “play the system” to an individual’s advantage, but we rely on the basic honesty of our learners, and I have to say, that it’s not often that someone lets us down
To be honest the system has been designed for one person to switch from one device to another - and it will work in that way. It doesn’t support concurrent use - which is a different thing.
We intend to offer household-type subscription options in the near future - so there will be no reason to do this anyway.
True! I was aware of this trusting nature when I had my ten free days back in March, and realised there was absolutely nothing stopping me from downloading every single challenge I wanted to do (I did) and then paying not one penny (I’m not that ungrateful). I mean, the site didn’t even take payment details before starting the free trial! How are you supposed to catch out all the people who forget to cancel?!
(Every other free trial I’ve ever had felt like a trap because of asking for payment details first. I love that SSI didn’t do that.)
Ah, so two people could use a single account, one learning French and one learning Spanish, but only if they each use it at different times of day?
That certainly cuts down on the potential for sneakiness. You might use a friend’s account for free for a little while to try it out, but it would soon get annoying if you kept clashing. So much easier to have your own.
Take my money.
Many thanks to all the respondents for the clarification.
David Phillips