SSiW: Noson Mas i Mewn

Gather-in is a new online venture which aims to recreate the feeling of a social night out with friends, but online. It has its own website and software which allow you to sit with friends at your table, but also to visit other tables and mingle. Participants are encouraged to prepare snacks and drinks to have during the event, and even to dress up if you like – treating it like a real night out!

Memet, the creative force behind Gather-in, is originally from Turkey but now lives in Wales. He has had links with SaySomethinginWelsh for several years now and is keen to offer the Gather-in experience to those who are learning, or have learnt, Welsh with us.

Beca and I have taken part in a taster event to see how it works and we feel it definitely has potential as an extra way in which SSiWers can come together from wherever you are and enjoy each other’s company.

We’re looking at setting up an initial trial event limited to 30 SSiW members – first come first served. Who would be interested in joining us for this premiere?

It will take place on Friday 26th November, at 8pm GMT, and will finish at around 10pm.

If you’d like to read a little more about it, this is the main Gather-in website:

To register your name for the initial event, send an email to with ‘Gather-in’ as the subject.

Once we get to 30 we’ll keep a Waiting List, and if it seems like a good thing to offer going forward, those on the Waiting List will get priority for next time :slight_smile:


Just boosting this up as we head towards the event on Friday. There are still places for those willing to come along and see how it works. It will be a learning curve for us as well, so it may not go totally smoothly to start off, but croesi bysedd!

We’ve had one person join who said he’s been to a Gather-in event already and it was great fun, so here’s hoping!

Just email Admin at the address above, or send me a PM with your email address and I’ll add you to the guest list :slight_smile:

I am sitting here trying to come in on my tablet, but even if I use the Chrome browser, this obviously doesn’t work. I can log in but taping the event, nithing happens and I also don’t get the invitation automatically. Sorry, this probably means I’m missing the event because on my computer my mic doesn’t work properly and I for that reason don’t do social calls on computer anymore.

Hope you had lots of fun. See you (maybe) some other time.


Great that you made it in, Tatjana! Wela i di tro nesa!

I’ m glad I’ve succeeded to come in at the end also. It was nice to see you all.

Well, for all who might have the idea to participate through tablet. I found out that when the host makes the announcement, the net (at least at my end) goes down. So if you have the possibility to participate through the computer, do so.

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Hopefully that’s one of the things they’ll be working on soon - to give access to a wider range of devices. I can see that it might be very difficult for a mobile phone with such limited screen area, but a tablet should be OK. Croesi bysedd!