Spanish Reset

I am probably being a bit foolhardy, but I’ve started doing Welsh, French and Spanish since recently receiving the email asking me to get the app.

The Welsh and French are moving at pace but the Spanish had been a slow start. The problem now is that the course has either moved quickly or played some stuff when I wasn’t listening and I am just starting and have only done a few minutes over the last five days. I do know that the app seems to automatically play when I get in the car - and I’m not even sure the app was open on one occasion this happened. I may have missed a bunch of stuff as a result.

This being the case, nothing is embedded vocabulary wise and the course now seems to be asking me to repeat a bunch of words I haven’t learnt and the Revisit button does not seem to enable me to go back to the beginning and learn it properly. Consequently, I’m lost and way above the 10% new input for perfect progression.

Is it possible to reset me to the start so I can go again from the beginning? I only want this for the Spanish course, not the others which are progressing very nicely indeed.

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Well, that is a really, interesting piece learning and may be of help to you guys.

It is not my intention to litter the forum with pointless messages, but last night I couldn’t seem to learn anything. This morning I thought I’d sit down, accept that I wouldn’t be able to say anything in certain sentences and very little in other sentences (orange band, so you know how far I’ve got). That was indeed the case but I just tried with what I had and tried to pick up certain words It’s missed. I did a longer session and by the end of it, I am now in a place where I am to have got most of it relatively locked in.

A not to myself that this repetition stuff really works and how much I can take on board even after missing the introduction of several words.

Please ignore the instruction on the previous message for a reset.


Gracias, muy bien. Qué tal?

Estoy bien gracias. Quiero aprender como decir más pero aun no puedo decir nadá. Estoy tratando…


Bien hecho , ¿estás usando algo más aparte de Say Something en español?

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Super interesting, and sorry for not having seen it before!

I’m just tagging @rich and @Deborah-SSi in case they have anything else to say about the ‘revisit’ button… :slight_smile:

No, estoy usando “Decir algo en Español”. No puedo decir nada más, pero estoy mejorar.

(? “I to improve” will be wrong, not sure what “I am improving” is yet though - something with “o” at the end I would guess).

Thank you. As I’ve said before, Aran, if you can get me through these courses you will have achieved something close to a miracle. I am everything you are trying to target with this new system. I have the following levels for the courses I am doing:

Spanish - I know nothing at all apart from what you have taught to orange with white belt.

Welsh - I know the whole first level challenge and then got stuck early in the second level - I gave up too quickly. I only know the stuff you’ve taught though.

French - My vocabulary is pretty much at B1 level so I will only learn a very few words anytime soon, but I cannot speak the language and definitely can’t hear it when it is spoken. I am excited about the latter changing and the former is already changing fast. Because I have the structures and the consistency of saying it, I can very quickly add in a lot more stuff that I already know, as was happening an hour ago when I walked to the shops and talked to myself.

Apologies to anyone else reading all this stuff. Too many messages from me, but hopefully it conveys my excitement about the possibilities for me now this new stage of development has happened. Thank you for putting so much effort into this over so many years.

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Estoy mejorando is what you’re after and sí, it has ‘o’ at the end :slight_smile:

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Un poco todos los días es todo lo que se necesita :ghost::+1::ghost:

Tienes razón, @Alan-Clifford :clap:

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