We used to have a thread here for Spanish Music but it hasn’t been active for a while, so I’ve started a new one.
Please feel free to post any Spanish music videos that you enjoy. If they show the lyrics, that’s great as it helps everyone to learn, but if not - that’s fine. Just enjoy!
I love this one as it has so many happy people in it 
This is a link to the old thread that has some great music videos in it:
Spanish music - Spanish - SSi Forum (saysomethingin.com)
And here’s another happy song for today - this one is Felicidad by Izaro whom I’ve seen performing live here in Vitoria-Gasteiz.
I found this one is very fun. Extremely catchy though so beware. It was filmed during last year’s lockdown period or “cuarentena” in Spain.
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One of the best Spanish groups (for me, at least) is Amaral. Here’s just one of their videos, but there are plenty more on YouTube.
Why not leave the Peninsula and travel to the Canary Isles, where the traditional music is very lovely. I discovered Los Gofiones some twenty years ago and still enjoy listening to them. Just a few years ago they celebrated their fiftieth anniversary with a special concert. You can watch the whole concert at
and I’m sure you will enjoy it.
They accompany themselves on stringed instruments, one of which is the timple, a traditional instrument of the Canaries, resembling an ukulele, but with five strings and a very rounded back.
Incidentally, the concert was held in el Teatro Pérez Galdós on Gran Canaria, where Los Gofiones held their very first concert in 1959.
Just a hint for those posting videos, it seems if you post the whole YouTube link , it doesn’t post a preview of the video, but if you make sure it just has https://youtu.be/ and then the code, it shows it correctly.
I’ve fixed those above after a friend explained that to me 
Ah, that explains it! Thank you!
Here’s another energetic and colourful video from Enrique Iglesias
It might be the slower nature of his songs but I find he sings very clearly.
This is a great one if you have young kids like me. Very simple chorus that my two love bouncing around and singing along with
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In this one Marc Anthony speaks for a little at the beginning in fairly slow Spanish. The lyrics for the song are below in the comments, and they’re not complicated 
As a huge Santana fan from way back, this is one of my all time favourites:
Have you heard his Spanish language album Corazón? Some absolute gems in there. His version of La Flaca is brilliant.
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Ooh, no I haven’t! I’ll definitely have to get my hands on that. I saw him performing live with his band in Perth, Australia once and it was absolute magic. So talented!
Another catchy gem, perfect for the good weather
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This is a great lyric video for La Flaca
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Something a little different, here is a guitarist from Spain who plays classical and flamenco guitar but provides spoken Spanish introductions to each song with a little of the history behind each piece. Very informative and beautiful playing as well.
Really interesting! And I didn’t know the name of that piece, but I recognised the tune when I heard it.
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It wouldn’t be a Spanish Music Video thread without something from Shakira. This video has the lyrics in Spanish and translated into English, but I have to confess, reading the English translation did make me laugh! Some things that sound OK in Spanish sound very weird in English