Southern Welsh level 3 Speed

I am lagging a few weeks behind on level 3. I’m finding it impossible to complete two challenges a week due to the poor health of the other half. Is it ok to just keep going at one challenge a week? I realise the ethos is to push along but my only other alternative is to give up completely. Has anyone else faced this issue ? Many thanks.

It’s absolutely fine to amend the pace according to your needs, Christine. Remember, you are doing this for you - there’s no race and there’s no deadline, it’s your journey, so yes, just do however much you can manage. You can always pick up the pace again when you feel you’re able to.


@christine-33 absolutely as @siaronjames has said. There is no obligation to try and “keep up” with the emails. It’s fine to just receive them, save them, and work along at your own speed, moving onto the next Challenge when you’re ready.

And congratulations on getting so far! If you’re into Level 3, you’re doing really well! :clap:


It’s fine also to ask to have the emails “paused” just for a couple of weeks while you catch up, if those unfinished tasks piling up in your inbox really bother you.
I might need to do that myself - I’ve been unwell and now need to do five challenges this week if I’m to “catch up”… perfectly doable if I start to feel well… but then there’s also all the 2-hour conversations I haven’t had…
My physical, mental, and social energy is all somewhere in the basement right now, so :woman_shrugging: maybe it would take some psychological pressure off me if I ask for a pause. Or maybe I can use “gotta catch up” as motivation to pick up speed again when I feel better. I haven’t decided.
It will all still be there when we’re ready, either way. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes, life gets in the way sometimes doesn’t it? I am still downloading to my mp3 and printing off the vocabulary so if I feel I can go a bit quicker then it is all ready for me. I have just started challenge 11 and have up to challenge 16 ready for me. For me that is the correct thing to do. I just needed to check if that was ok to do. If I have a day or two when I am feeling drained then I leave it. There is no way i could do 5 challenges in a week - amazing. I can just focus on the challenges, it gives me half an hour a day to myself (Husband has brain tumour and multiple other issues all over the last 2 years). I’m sorry to hear you have been unwell and hope better days are soon coming for you. Take care and keep going!