[Sold Out] 2017 September Bootcamp Tresaith. Sept 23-30

Many thanks. I’d read the original posting as meaning 0900 not 2100 BST.

Yes, I understand why on reading back. I really don’t know what I was thinking of when I wrote that post. To excited by the thought of a bootcamp, I think! I have a feeling that you are not the only one to be misled either, so sorry everyone!

AAAAARGH! Yes, why didn’t you write “21.00” on the email, I thought it was nine o’clock in the morning, and have organised my day around that premise! Don’t know whether I will be able to access net in time now :frowning:

All good… I’ll be back in 12 hours :slight_smile:

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The only clue was that 9am is not a good time for the US… they are all in bed then.

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Nosweth dda bawb. Booking is now open at the following link:



Hi Iestyn,

Can I just ask - where is says the booking fee is generally not refunded. Does that mean the entire £260 fee or is a part of that the booking fee?

Cheers, Chris

Hi Chris.

We ask that anyone booking takes out insurance to cover any unexpected changes to their plans. If someone pays for a slot and thne pulls out, we will do our utmost to fill their place, in which case there will be a full refund. Obviously, if we cancel for some reason, then there will also be a full refund.

But in the event of, for instance, an accident or family event that causes a cancellation, and the place is not filled by someone else, then we reserve the right to keep the full £260. This is because we operate Bootcamps on a shoestring, in order to ensure taht as many people can attend as possible. Any unfilled slots make the bootcamp less viable, and could very well spil the enjoyment of the others on the bootcamp.

Obviously, your statutary rights are not affected, so you have a cooling off period, etc, but also, we will do our utmost to fill a vacant slot and process a refund.

Does that answer your question?

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Will we see places being resold on ebay within 20 minutes? :laughing:
Seriously, having often had the Tresaith bootcamp experience, I can think of few more enjoyable and beneficial ways of spending my time and money.

@ChrisTaylor Until you get the definitive answer from @Iestyn, edit … which you got while I was typing. :smiley:


Have just booked Ta daa! Looking forward to seeing everyone in September. finally finished Vocab 10 Course 2 [first time round only!] so busy revising and will try to start Course 3 in a couple of weeks.



Diolch Iestyn

One more place left. Who’s going to get it?


It says ‘Fully booked’ when I click on the booking link. Is that right?

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Sold out!

Thanks to everyone who’s booked a place. I will be in touch over the next week or so to start the ball rolling. In the meatnime, anyone who is still interested in going, get your names down on the waiting list. It’s rare fo9r no-one to pull out of bootcamp between booking and running, so 1st on the waiting list will very often get a place on the actual event.


There is one more place available on this bootcamp!

Due to an unfortunate cancellation, there is now one space available. This is the last bootcamps of the year, so if you are ready, or if you think you might be ready, come on down (as someone used to say when I was but a baby. No, really. I can barely remember it to be honest)



I have booked! Nervous and excited, and looking forward to meeting everyone in September!



Brilliant. Welcome on board, Kate!

Don’t be nervous. It’s just a bit of fun. A holiday that just happens to be in Welsh!

What is there to worry about?



Hey all, I haven’t heard anything since booking and just wanted to make sure I wan’t left out of any communications. Fill me in if there is something I need to know. Thanks!


Iestyn is on holiday at the moment, but I’m sure he’ll be in touch before too long. I hope you’re all getting excited! Only a few more weeks to go :bus: :airplane: :blue_car: :steam_locomotive: :rocket: … well, perhaps not that last one :smile:


Recently, some friends bought me a copy of The Western Mail from the day I was born. On the front page was a story about Tresaith, with the rather wonderful headline “Villagers squat in trench to foil beach cars”. Hopefully not one of our activities!

Getting excited now that we are only a few weeks away!
