I’m meeting up with a friend from my Sylfaen welsh course tomorrow evening in the old Mochyn Du at 19.00. It’s quite possible other people class will be joining us but we are awaiting confirmation. If anyone fancies joining us they would be super welcome. No stress about level, we speak very broken, very incorrect welsh but are enthusiastic learners! Plus it’s going to be so hot you will want a beer anyway, may as well combine it with some practice!
My number is 07531940181 if you would like to get in touch.
On a side note it is increasingly rare to find welsh speaking staff in the Brewhouse pub (although the beer is very good). If anyone can recommend a pub with welsh speaking staff we would love to give it a try.
Dw i’n cwrdd gyda ffrind o fy nosbarth yfory ar saith o gloch yn y hen Mochyn Du. Byddem ni hoffi os unrhywun moyn ymuno ni. Dyn ni’n cyfeillgar iawn a hapus i siarad gyda unrhywun! Dw i’n meddwl bydd di boeth iawn yfory felly dych chi’n mynd i moyn diod - mae nhw’n gwerthu cwrw bendigedig yna!