Skype text chat, in Welsh

Skype are previewing a new feature, Skype Translator. They’re trumpeting its impressive ability (so their marketing says!) to perform real time translation of French, Spanish, English and other major languages. But what it also supports is translation of chat conversations in lots of other languages, including Welsh.

Here’s my Welsh (including spelling mistakes)

Here’s what my non-Welsh speaking colleague saw

It also translates replies in English into Welsh. These came through with a much more online translatory feel than my “type how I speak Welsh” approach.

If you have the latest version of Skype installed you can enable the feature on a conversation by conversation basis using the little globe at the top right of the chat window.

I think I’ll persevere for a while with non-Welsh speaking Skype contacts, if for no other reason than to improve my spelling.

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I’ll try it with Slovene. I’m curious if it’s better then Google Translate.

Cymraeg translation seams good to me. :slight_smile:

If it’s Skype then I’d guess that it’s using the Bing Translate engine - they’re both Microsoft products.

You’ve got me an answer then as I assume you’re right. Bing is (sorry to say that) for Slovene even worse then Google Translate. I’m glad at least Cymraeg gets better translations in both of them.

When I upgraded to Win10 recently it took me a while to discover why I couldn’t log into Skype - turned that it had installed a 2nd copy of Skype which required a different login - when i found it the original version still worked fine. Could your problem perhaps be linked somehow to a duplicate version being installed?