Six Month Course?

Hi all! I was wondering how the 6 month course is actually structured - I’ve watched the about video and done some of the challenges on this website, and I’m interested in giving the six month course a go. How is the course different than just doing the challenges online? Are the course and challenges entirely different beasts? And more specifically, what is really expected of you in the course? Sorry, I know this is a lot of questions, but I want to know more before I commit to it! Diolch!

Someone with a lot more knowledge than me will be along in the morning but seeing as I’m up I’ll try my best. Just doing the challenges is great but the structured courses offer a whole lot more along side like extra opportunities to practice, video sessions, etc. They are designed to give an almost guaranteed success to come out of it speaking as much Welsh as is possible. There’s also a 6 minute a day course too so make sure you look at all the options to choose what will suit you best. Good luck.

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Thanks for answering! I saw the 6 minute option as well, but I think the more intense 6 month is more appealing. It sounds like it’ll be what I end up doing, your answer is what I was hoping it was like :slight_smile:

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I’m on week 23 of the 6 months course. Only 3 weeks to go. I am amazed at how far I have come.

The extra content and coaching in the course motivates me to keep on keeping on with it.

But it is intense and sometimes my brain freezes completely.

I know from previous language learning experiences in German and Spanish that SSIW is very different and remarkable in its method.


How does the coaching work? Is it like an online course through a university where you can contact a teacher or is it just well-guided lesson plans?

Does it matter how much of the course you’ve already done? I’m only on Level 1 lesson 17

Well guided extra info and encouragement.

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