Site Accessibility For Screenreader Users

Greetings everyone,
A quick intro: I’m based in Melbourne, Australia. I’m a long time subscriber to the SSIW newsletter, but fell off the wagon years ago in my attempts to actually learn Welsh. Now I’m working as a freelancer and have more time on my hands, so I’m back for another shot! I’ve completed the five days of one-sentence challenges successfully! Woohoo!
Now to my topic: I’m totally blind, and use a screenreader to access the web. For the uninitiated, this is basically a piece of software that reads whatever happens to be on the screen. I’m hoping that I might be able to get in touch with whoever manages the SSI site. I’m managing to navigate my way around mostly, but I’m coming across a few accessibility issues and it would be great if we could try to find ways around them. I’m not a coder, but I’ve worked in accessibility/usability testing, so I’d be happy to offer more detailed feedback.
On a slightly different note, if there are other blind/vision impaired Welsh learners on this platform, it would be great to connect with you as well.


Hi, @lauren-hayes! And welcome to the forum! I’m afraid I can’t answer your questions, except to say that there are definitely other visually impaired Welsh learners using this forum, and I’ve sent a message to one of them who, like you, has some good computer technical skills. I’m also copying in @CatrinLliarJones, just in case your message has got overlooked in the shower of St David’S Day messages.

Meanwhile, I love talking to people online in Welsh, so any time you fancy a little chat, get in touch!

Diolch Bronwen. Will have to draw the tech team’s attention to this as it’s beyond my lever of expertise. But I surely hope that we will be able to help somehow. Diolch. :slight_smile:

@Kinetic @lewie

Hello @lauren-hayes and welcome to the forum first.

For the first part of your question/topic I have nothing more to say as there was all said and I wanted to tag the same people as @CatrinLliarJones did, so I won’t repeat what was already said.

On the other note: I am visually impared - seing only with one eye and another one is blind but until now I manage to do everything on the net without any screenreader so this is the other reason I have nothing to say on the first matter you’ve posted.

Otherwise I’m happy to “connect” with you although these days the time isn’t exactly my friend but in some weeks time it surely will be. I live in Slovenia and am learning Welsh. I’m kind of long term user of this site and course aswell but not as skilled in Welsh as one would expect though. Hope we meet online in the future or you’re always welcome to send me a PM here on the forum.

Hwyl for now and good luck with learning!
Tatjana :slight_smile: