Silly T-shirt

Thanks to the local print shop here in Rhydychen, and the good people who turned Iolo Morgannwg’s fevered imaginings into a ttf font, I now have a very silly T-shirt in Coelbren y Beirdd…

But if you ask me what it says, I’m afraid I shall have to reply either wmbo - dwi’n Sais or “I dunno - I’m English”. Because that is, of course, what it says. (I considered having Helo, Inigo Montoya ydy f’enw i, but my eldest preferred the simpler gag.)


Brilliant! And I shall expect a report on how people react when they see it :slight_smile:

My son said “huh” and my partner gave me a look somewhere between stern and disappointed, so I’m not getting my hopes up.

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:rofl: :joy: