Sorry to ask a silly question but what is the lesson sign off? (it sounds to me like “da bo ma tro” but that doesn’t seem to mean anything)! Thanks.
Well “da bo” is one way of saying “goodbye” mostly used in the south.
I’ve seen variations like “da boch” and “da boch chi” written down, but not heard them (but I don’t live in Wales, and I learn the northern SSiW version).
One supposed derivation is from " “Duw bu efoch chi” - “God be with you” - which is the same as English “Good bye”. However, I’ve also seen this called into question on the web.
I used to think of it as “(may) good be with you” or “good on you”, but that was merely my speculation.
The northern course usually ends with “hwyl am y tro” - “bye for the time (being)”, so maybe what you have written as “ma tro” is “am y tro”.
Thanks for this
One possible derivation of da bo’ is da bod gyda chi - (it was) good being with you, though like Mike’s version, this could be a back-formed guess.
I had heard it’s a fossilised remnant of the subjunctive mood – da boch chi “may you be good”.
Gweiadur lists byddoch, boch as possible present/future subjunctive forms of bod for chi, which might support that derivation.
Shwmae Kevin.
Da bo’ am y tro is what is said at the end of the southern lessons, and it generally means (but not literally) ‘ta-ra for now’. Others have already given its full meaning so I won’t repeat them! But I hope this has helped.
Ah, many thanks indeed!
‘’'or as my namesake used to say: “TTFN”