Shwmaeathon - 15 Oct, 2019

That was fun – Big thanks to everyone who joined in over the last five hours and a half!


You did brilliantly @Hendrik! Diolch yn fawr for being such a big help and chatting with so many people! Ti’n seren :sunny:

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For those on the forum at the mo, I’ll be on Taro’r Post, Radio Cymru a bit before before 2pm today to talk about learning Welsh, and Diwrnod Shwmae Sumae…


Here’s the next YouTube livestreaming link:

Thank you to everyone for their patience! I really am grateful for you putting up with me :slight_smile: diolch!!

And here’s the latest

It seems that jitsi goes on forever, but the YouTube streaming has to be restarted every couple of hours or so.


I really enjoyed taking part in the Shwmaethon again this year. During my slots, I had the opportunity of speaking to old and new friends in Finland, Germany, Slovenia, East and West USA, England, Wales and Upper and Lower Llandysul. I’d like to make special mention of @tatjana. It was great to see her even though it brought back into my head the “Dysgu Cymraeg, Siarad Cymraeg” rap that I was just beginning to lose.

Thanks to @Iestyn and all involved in the organisation and that particularly includes @Deborah-SSi :star2:


Lyfli - diolch!

What a great set o people talking on the hangout just now.

Only 4 hours left, so if you’re thinking of taking part, best get in there ASAP!


Thank you Huw! I think it was you I was attempting (!!!) To chat to earlier. Assuming it was you, thank you for this - it was my first real communication with anyone in Welsh! More than slightly terrified, and now have gone over it a couple of times and kicked myself further :laughing: Diolch yn fawr!!


Diolch yn fawr iawn i bawb - that was a brilliant 24 hours (even though I only did an hour or two of it!).

Great to speak with people from all over the world again, and I think the system of ‘leaders’ worked really well. Massive diolch to all the leaders and to Deborah for coordinating, and I hope everyone had a brilliant time, especially the ones who were speaking for the first time, or one of their first times - that takes real guts!

This is absolute gold dust. You must be so proud of yourself @harriett-moore (or you should be, at least!). And please don’t kick yourself. You have just done the most important thing in all of language learning, more important than anything you have done or ever will do again in Welsh. You’ve just taken your ‘intellectual exercise’ and turned it into a real language, a real thing to communicate with. In the context of that, a few ‘mistakes’ along the way are something you can live with I hope. You are a star! (And isn’t Huw a lovely person to have your first conversation with? Diolch Huw!)


In the cold light of the morning, I’m thinking it was less of a “conversation” and more of “some Welsh words came out of my mouth”, but you’re right in what you say @Iestyn, and its strange to think that I managed to get some sort of meaning over. The only way is up, hey?!


I just have to add my thanks to everyone who made this a great success - those who volunteered to be there at specific times so we knew the whole 24 hours was covered, and all of you who popped in to say “Shwmae” and in lots of cases to stay around for a while keeping us company.
It was great to meet people from around the world and to see how well you’re all doing with your Welsh! Even those that could only say a little were diving in and using the words they knew - fantastic!


I’m sorry I didn’t get to wave the Italian flag (so conveniently green, white and red colored) at the Shwmaethon - even though I had planned to come and say at least a quick Shwmae! :slightly_frowning_face:

But when I got home after our live mini-Shwmae Day celebration in Turin with @heatherbroster, I did a bunch of things I had to do, then thought I’d just relax a bit and just fell asleep really early! :rofl:

p.s. It always happened in Wales too, and doing the Challenges - no offense to @Iestyn - Welsh just wears my brain out! :dizzy_face:

Glad to hear it went great and you all had a good time!


I was thinking of you there in Turin waving the flag for Cymraeg with Heather! Great that you were able to meet up. Cymraeg really does open doors to new experiences and new friends.

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“some Welsh words came out of my mouth” = conversation. :clap::smile:


Sori am adael heb ddweud. Sorry for leaving without saying at about 00.30 this morning, Wi-Fi went down. But it was lovely to be part of everything for a while.

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I really enjoyed the chance to join the Shwmaeathon last night after returning from holiday earlier in the day. It was great to see some familiar faces and also to chat with some new faces too. I scanned through a couple of the earlier Youtube sessions and spotted a few familiar faces such as Tatjana, Huw, and Siaron (Shwmae to all!) among others. While I was on, it seemed to be a real international mix including Clare and Sasha from San Francisco and Lea from Yr Almaen plus Su(e) Richard and I from Lloegr. What a great advert for the international appeal of Welsh today, and such a great advert for the success of SSIW in being able to teach Welsh in a short time to people with little exposure in their home countries. Fantastic effort from the organisers and I’m sure it will be a regular annual event.


Thank you @HuwJones for your kind words. I wasn’t quite sure I’ll have the time to pop in but after I’ve done everything needed to be done I grabbed the time to do so. I’m happy I could chat with some familiar faces and some new and I’m glad my rap isn’t totally forgotten yet. Apart from being the gift to SSiW and its party It carries an important message, the mantra of SSiW which Huw has mentioned before. If you forget the whole rap, you surely shouldn’t forget the message of it. I hope it boosts your confidence and courage to plunge into the chat whenever you have the chance and this Shwmaethon was a brilliant chance to do so.

Thank you to all behind the scenes of the event who made it possible to role on another year and hopefully I see you all again in the next year’s one as it more or less will probably be (apart from Skype or Slack chats) my only real chance to speak Cymraeg.

Diolch yn fawr i bawb.

And remember …
“Paid a phoeni a siarad Cymraeg!”


It was great having the chance to talk to you again @Bronwen! Your postcard is heading out today! :smile:

I had a lot of fun at the Shwmaeathon. It took me a while to get my brain back into thinking in Saesneg so I could teach my English lesson at the crack of dawn. :sweat_smile:

I am thrilled to have had the chance to meet you, @Iestyn. Your encouragement at the beginning and end of each challenge has been such a huge help. Diolch yn fawr!