Should I switch to 6 minutes a day?

I’m half way through level 2, really enjoying it, but struggling to find the time to do half an hour a day. So I’m either doing one challenge a week, e.g. on a Saturday, or doing ten minutes here and there.

Do you think I should stick with what I’m doing or switch to the 6 minute a day course?

I’m concerned about going back to square one, but willing to if it’s worth it. I’m also wondering how different the 6min course is / what the benefits are.


Hi Neil, if you’re half way through level 2 I think you are making excellent progress. 10 minutes here and there is better than nothing. I find that taking a challenge and breaking the 30 minutes into 3x10 minute sessions helps me consolidate the information better than trying to do 30 minutes in one go. My advice would be stay with it and do the challenges in chunks if that works for you.


Tagging @Deborah-SSi or/and @aran for some advise here.


@neiljones78 you could either swap onto 6 Minutes a Day and continue on from where you are - the courses are the same in all aspects, except that you only get one challenge a week with the 6 Minute one - or, you could stay on the 6 Month one, but just pause every now and then and work through at your own speed. That’s probably the better option as you’re halfway through Level 2 already.

Just send an email through to when you want to pause and it’s easily done.


Thanks Dee! And Rob and Tatjana! I think I’ll carry on with what I’m doing then. Diolch!

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I have only just signed up but I dont think there is a 6 min a day programme? it was what I was hoping for having tried the taster where I was sent a daily email to build on the previous day but just been sent the first challenge and told to cut it into 6 min chunks myself. I had the first 15 episodes on my phone already so feel like im just hanging round waiting to catch up.