Shameless Appeal For Money (But a Good Cause!)

A few of you will know that my daughter, Tegwen, has been selected to take part in the Urdd’s annual trip to yr Wladfa in Patagonia in October. This event has become an important link, strengthening the ties between Wales and the welsh-speaking parts of Patagonia. Tegwen and around two dozen other Urdd members and leaders will be working with local communities, visiting schools and events such as eisteddfodau, and taking tea with elderly first-language speakers. Although this is not a holiday as such, everyone will be hoping to have as much fun as possible!
In order for this trip to take place, each participant is required to raise a contribution towards the cost. Tegwen has already raised close to £1000 through school events, working a part time job, and selling her own hand-made crafts. But there is still around £1500 to go. Her next event will be a concert next Sunday afternoon at the Hotel Commodore in Llandrindod, featuring some of the young people who will be representing Brecon and Radnorshire at the upcoming Urdd National Eisteddfod. If you’re in the area, please come and support her (and come and say shwmae to me, too!).

For those outside of Mid Wales, Tegwen has set up a GoFundMe page. If I’ve ever helped you with a explanation, or a word of encouragement, in introduction to a Welsh band, or simply an assurance that you don’t need to worry about something, a few pennies of appreciation would be very gratefully received. Tegwen has worked very hard so far, in the middle of A Level courses and preparing as a Youth Committee member to welcome the Urdd Eisteddfod to our district, and it would be great to give her a bit of a boost with a little financial help.

Many thanks in advance for your generosity!

Rob :slight_smile:


@Deborah-SSi :slight_smile: