Sgwrs 29 (Advanced Content) Spoileriaid!

Hi all - a lady from the north east this week - almost a Flintshire accent. That’s a bit different to what you’ve had, so you may find it a bit tricky here and there. Nursing is the main topic, and eisteddfodau and singing - which you should be experts on by now!
Just to say - at 13 mins in there’s a story about an injured little boy, it’s upsetting obviously, so you might want to skip that. I’m just letting you know, in case.
Hope you get on ok with it!


That’s an interesting plural for spoiler in Welsh!
It will be nice to hear Welsh in an almost Flintshire accent, as every time I’ve been in that area I’ve been listening out for people speaking Welsh, but have yet to hear it in the wild in that area of the country!


Haha! I thought I’d Welshify it!
The main thing I noticed about the accent is that she says ‘ono’ for ‘yno’, and there are other little quirks too. As you say, not often heard in Welsh these days.

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I actually found her very easy to listen to, and I think I understood a lot of it on first listening. (We shall see if I’m right when I get to the trawsgriff!)

My mum actually grew up in Sir Fflint, but they were in an English speaking area, so I doubt if that influenced their Anglesey accents. Not sure why Mair sounded so familiar.

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Excellent, glad you got on well with it. Very interesting lady.

I just had one first listen, and I have to say it seemed quite clear!
I happened to hear a man speaking with Flintshire accent recently, and that was tough…so maybe the “almost” makes a big difference! :rofl:

p.s. I love the spoileriaid, never going back to spoilers! :wink:

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Aww, that was a nice Sgwrs.

The thought of a cwtsh bach for the patients feeling a bit afraid, is lovely isn’t it.

I don’t think I’ve heard of ‘nwyn I fyny’ To mean brought up before…

…and, phrase of the week: ‘dipyn o dogsbody’ made me laugh out loud in the middle of concentrating on a chunk of Welsh - when my brain clicked and I realised what has been said! It was a good job I hadn’t taken a swig of tea :smile:

There is something about that phrase - I will have to try and use it - for a split second it sounds like Welsh…and the there is the alliteration as well… I love it. :smile: :smile:

I understood this Sgwrs quite well but had to mop up with the transcript…and out of that there always seems to be a clutch of words that are new…(to me)…

Mawredd meaning goodness…hwb - boost…I can’t seem to remember andros - really - although it has come up a couple of times before - the people who use it use it a lot though! Sbriws for bright…

Very enjoyable. Mair sounded lovely. Thank you.

Rich :slight_smile:


Glad you liked it! She is lovely isn’t she. I thought for a while with the translation of ‘sbriws’, because it also means ‘spruced up’ like the English, but in Welsh it can be used to mean feeling better, brighter, etc.
Yes, ‘dipyn o dogsbody’ is good isn’t it!

It’s sounds like it could be a Datblygu song! ‘Spoileriaid yn y Glaw’, or some such!

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Oh maybe that’s why I liked it right away! :grin:

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Just listened to this again, @beca-brown - and heard you saying something my Nain used to say all the time, which I probably haven’t heard in thirty years. Felt quite emotional hearing it again.

O ngwash i!

I knew the sound of it, and the sense of it. But I never before knew how it was spelt or what it meant literally.

Any idea what the equivalent would be for a little girl?

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Oh, bless you…
Hmm, good question… I suppose ‘O ngenath i’ would be the one, or ‘O nghariad bach i’, which can be used equally for boys and girls.

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