Sesiwn sgŵrs at The Castle Tap, Reading

I’ve got a couple of people together to begin a Welsh practice session at The Castle Tap in Reading. Date/time tbc, but is anyone else in the area and interested?

I’ve just swapped the title around a bit as I initially saw it as a “reading session”, then realised what it was saying :joy: and I’ll mention it in the newsletter this week. There must be more Welsh learners and speakers around Reading!

:joy: Thanks, Deborah! I’m so used to Reading (vs reading) that I didn’t even think about it!

Our first meeting will be at 19:00 on Monday 20 March, and I’ll be there with a Welsh language book on the table for identification purposes!

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We ended up having to postpone Monday’s meeting because I was poorly, but are hoping to meet up this coming Monday 27th instead.