SaySomethingin Portuguese

After “a little while ago” is introduced, there’s a longer sentence where the female voice turns into a stream of weird, garbage vocal noises before eventually finishing correctly. I think it’s “I saw them a little while ago” (Eu os vi há pouco tempo), but I was driving at the time.

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Estarei pronto logo “I shall be ready soon.” Female voice does something weird on the beginning of the phrase (unrelated words or word salad).
Não algo importante “not something important” - the same.

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A couple of odd chunks with negation - I don’t know if these are going to build into something more grammatical, but my instinct is maybe not.
“It might be” is given as pode ser, and não pode ser as “it might not be”, but the latter sounds like “it can’t be” - “it might not be” should be something like pode não ser as a chunk, or pode ser que não as a whole sentence.
Similarly, I’ve just had “he isn’t” as não ele é, which sounds very odd. I can’t be 100% certain that it’s ungrammatical and won’t build into something larger that works, but I would have expected ele não é. (I think não ele é might be OK for “it’s not him who is” nid fo ydy rather than dydy o ddim.)

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