We’ve identified an error with the very first sentence. Which does add the words
‘but’ & ‘and’
in English without having previously introduced those.
Most of this is an error, but there’s one interesting thing.
Chinese doesn’t really use ‘and’ the way we do in English
and the way they use
which we translate as ‘with’ as part of
with you
is used mostly when we might say ‘and’
you and me
I want to speak with you
kind of translates as
I want to with you speak
I want to with/and you speak
so, you already have been introduced to the Chinese word
和 (sounds a bit like ‘her’)
just not the English prompt for it
these aren’t hard and fast rules because #languages
the Chinese do have a different word for ‘and’ when it means, furthermore, or moreover
which is most commonly
而且 (sounds a bit like ‘our chair’ which is very natural in speech and is probably the most conversational option. It flows well in daily talk.
well, of course they have tons of ways to say things
is used by us in the course
But the reality is we don’t believe grammar is really worth explaining
Because then people will start thinking about grammar rather than just going for it and trusting their instincts
so, my broad advice would be
just plough on and after about 30 hours in-app you’re speaking Chinese confidently