Sadwrn Siarad! 01/05/2021 šŸ—£

Sadwrn Siarad - 01/05/2021 - 10:00 - 16:00

Sadwrn Siarad is a national one-day, FREE event funded by the Welsh government, giving you the opportunity to meet other learners, to practice your Welsh, to try free Welsh lessons (for all levels of ability) and to enjoy a free gig! Of course, this yearā€™s event is an exclusively online one. But there still plenty going on!

  • Thereā€™ll be a lesson in the morning
  • Thereā€™ll be an opportunity for a chat in the afternoon
  • Thereā€™ll be a gig with singer Gwyneth Glyn

To find out more and to book your place, click on the following link and scroll down the page to find whatā€™s happening in your area -

Otherwise, type ā€˜Sadwrn Siaradā€™ in to Google / Facebook and Twitter to see what other events and opportunities are available to you on this, the worldā€™s largest Welsh lesson!


Ydyn nhwā€™n cynnig gwahanol lefelau?

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yes, they usually do.

Booked! :slight_smile:

Where and which level did you choose?
Donā€™t mean to sound nosey! :smile:
I booked it myself but canā€™t remember what I went for in the end, so Iā€™ll check the e-mail later!

Uwch with Dysgu Cymraeg North East :slight_smile:

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Fi Ceredigion, wrth gwrs! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
(Definitely not Uwch, I wasnā€™t sure between Canolradd and Sylfaen cause I donā€™t really know much about these courses and levels) :thinking:

Aim high! :slight_smile: I had no idea what to expect regarding the levels so I just jumped in! As thereā€™s no cost thereā€™s no risk if you run away after the first break :slight_smile: but sometimes they will let you switch to another level if its not for you :slight_smile: Go for it!! :slight_smile:


@gisella-albertini, I totally agree with @Cetra on this. I jumped straight into an intensive Canolradd course and it was fine. I was more ready to talk than most other participants, through probably the least grammatically accurate. Next I plunged into an Uwch course which turned out to be revision for the exam - but again it was fine. Go for it! As @Cetra says, you have nothing to lose.


Booked into Uwch Powys/Ceredigion area.

@Cetra and @Betterlatethan
Alright, I went for something more challenging - although I prefer not TOO challenging, cause Iā€™m not much of a classroom kinda person, so I donā€™t want it to end up being too stressful. And at the same time, Iā€™d hate to leave before the end. :sweat_smile:
So my compromise was going for the middle: Canolradd!

Same area as @theresacorbett. If I get bored with Canolradd, Iā€™ll try to join yours! :joy:


Booked. But I had no idea what level to choose as I still do a lot of um and ers and mix up the tenses big time, but I havenā€™t had an email reply yet.

Wel o wel, how was your day?
My morning lesson was fun! Nice group and tutor, and level was fine.

Then OMG moment when I found myself in the 150+ people chat group :scream: with the interview to Gwyneth Glyn, and I didnā€™t quite get everything. But it was interesting, and I think I had a quick glimpse of @Cetra and @Hendrik, and a few more Iā€™ve seen before in chat groups - before we got all split. Had a nice chat with three ladies in Wales, and actually really enjoyed the gig!


I had a brilliant tutor and a friendly group of 9 others. We spent a lot of time talking and laughing - it was great! So nice of Gwyneth Glyn to come and sing for us too! :heart_eyes:


Disappointed - didnā€™t get any type of links for the lesson. Just an email saying I would get a link! Oh well, thank goodness for brilliant chats on SSiW!

Did you check your Spam folder @ann-spandrzyk?

Yep, afraid I did. Oh well, had a lovely bike ride instead!

It was a good session, there were 14 in my group plus the tutor. I spotted @Hendrik in the same group. Our tutor said we werenā€™t learners we were fluent. It was fantastic seeing so many people for the second part, I did spot @gisella-albertini briefly. Since the learn welsh sessions have had to be online itā€™s been amazing the variety of places people come from, today included Dubai and Ireland. I enjoyed the gig once Iā€™d found where it was.


@theresacorbett I saw you, too, but unfortunately we never ended up in the same breakout room.
That huge zoom session was something to beholdā€¦ more than 150 people, and I spotted a few familiar names/faces as well, @gisella-albertini , @Cetra, @nastya-lisitsyna, and @BronwenLewis (who I then met in the breakout room).

I was kind of expecting a live gig on Zoom, so I was a tiny bit disappointed when I found out that it was ā€œjustā€ a pre-recorded video, but then again there is the upside of a) better quality overall and b) the possibility to watch it again:


I was in the Abertawe Canolradd group, and it was good. There were about 12 of us and we had fun with chats in small groups and quizzes. I think that I spotted @Hendrikā€™s name in the huge session.

Yes, although live sessions are exciting, the sound quality can be appalling, so it was probably better the way they did it.

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