S4C YouTube channel

Anyone fancy becoming a YouTube star?!

The people who make the content for the S4C Dysgu Cymraeg YouTube channel want to start making some short videos featuring people who are learning Welsh (or who have learned Welsh!). They want people willing to talk about their own Welsh learning “journey” (wherever they might be on that…), and/or people talking about how they use Welsh in their work and why it has been important for them to learn.

They’re not just after the people who are “fluent” - the important thing is to show, and celebrate, all kinds of spoken Welsh.

Interested? Want to know more? You can get in touch with the team directly (they are lovely and friendly, and used to working with people learning Welsh), in English or Welsh (or a combination!), either through email (aled.rheon@boomcymru.co.uk or ffion.coughlan@boomcymru.co.uk) or by direct message on the S4C Dysgu Cymraeg social media sites (Facebook, Instagram, X/Twitter).

Or if you would prefer, you are very welcome to send me a direct message to me on here, with your contact details, and I can ask them to contact you. Please do not share your personal contact details on this thread.


@CatrinLliarJones rhywbeth i’r cylchlythyr?

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Yn sicr! Bydd yn mynd allan fory. :heart: